(713) 714-0015

Foundation Repair in Pasadena, TX

Foundations built on certain types of soils are more susceptible to foundation problems when settling occurs. Clay is considered to be expansive, and the fluctuation in water levels in the soil will create movement causing the foundation to shift and begin to settle. Some cracks that appear are merely cosmetic, while others require a foundation inspection by a trained professional. Serious structural damage leads can safety issues and also become costly to fix if not handled immediately. The type of fix will depend upon the home you have. Some homes in Pasadena require leveling, while others around town are better off with house lifting. The majority of foundation repair in Pasadena TX is done by installing piers beneath the soil, otherwise known as friction systems, and this will fortify the foundation and enable doors to close, windows to open, and cracks to seal up.

The Cost of Foundation Repair in Pasadena 

As briefly mentioned above, there are several common methods used to address foundation problems in Pasadena Tx and each will have different costs associated. If cosmetic cracks are the main problem, simple fixes may be in order. Crack patching requires applying epoxy into the affected area so that paint can be applied, covering up any unsightly issues if the cracks aren’t too wide. Steel piering is another method that involves elevating the foundation to add a steel bracket that finds its rest on a solid friction point beneath the soil.Once the foundation is properly positioned or leveled, the steel pier is locked into that position. The amount of piers required will greatly affect price. The cost of the piers is one component of the cost of foundation problems, however, make sure you are hiring an experienced contractor who installs them correctly. Cutting corners on one of the most important investments is not a good policy, as foundation problems can reappear for Pasadena residents if the company they hired doesn’t perform the work properly. This will only increase the costs, as you will need to have the work re-done by a reputable company.

Other methods such as house lifting may be required to address foundation problems in Pasanda TX, depending upon your property time. Lifting your home can be done in a small or big way, depending upon the main concerns or causes in the first place. If you simply need grading or leveling around your house, the costs will be limited to drainage or soil work. The best way to determine the cost of foundation repair is to schedule your FREE inspection today.


What to Expect From Our Foundation Service

A combination of factors like the structure profile, age of your property and the cause of the foundation problems within a given environment will guide the quoting process. A visual inspection will identify the areas of the structure affected by the issue, and we will pay special attention to tree roots, or other potential reasons for the problems in the first place. Your foundation consultant will document the various dimensions of the home, and take measurements where appropriate. Both interior and exterior elevations will be taken to understand the full extent of the foundation damage to your property. After your foundation inspection is done, a report and service plan are created and explained to you. A comprehensive structural report of the property will identify all problems uncovered during the Pasadena foundation inspection. The service plan will provide the steps required to resolve the issue, and different cost options. The estimate for the repairs will be explained, and we will answer any questions you have about the process.

Schedule A FREE Foundation Inspection in Pasadena Today

Remember, every foundation settles over time and can lead to structural problems in the home. The method used to correct the problem ultimately determines the foundation repair cost Pasadena Tx, and calling for your inspection is the first step. Hydraulic piers can cost $10,000 or more to complete. Minor crack problems can be as little as $5000 to repair. According to research, the typical amount paid for foundation service in Pasadena and other areas is just under $4,000. Don’t let the potential cost of foundation problems scare you, it’s best to get an estimate based on your unique situation.

If the doors or windows in the home fail to shut properly, there may be a problem with the foundation. Furniture that doesn’t sit level is also another common sign to look for when looking for potential foundation problems. A foundation problem could affect the resale value of your home and could lead to safety problems in the long run. If you suspect that there may be structural problems, contact one of our local technicians for foundation repair in Pasadena TX. Get your FREE inspection by calling us today. Or if you need foundation service in Spring see this.

Why Choose Us?

  • 25+ Years of Experience
  • A+ Rating with BBB
  • Licensed & Insured
  • Values Honesty, Integrity, & Service
  • Customer Service comes First
  • Competitive Pier Prices
  • Fixed & Surveyed Thousands of Foundation Problems
  • Warranty All Our Work
  • Excellent Customer Service

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